
Explore our story, vision, and commitment to creating remarkable videos with a sustainable and responsible approach.

before producing

Boileau said, ‘What is well conceived is clearly expressed, and the methods to express it come easily’.

To achieve this together, LeGrow.Studio offers a creative, collaborative, and sustainable approach, based on 5 pillars, starting from the design stage of your productions and even further upstream by developing a competence transfer dynamic in pre-production, enabling you to leverage our production resources and audience engagement to their full potential.

We ensure to enhance your understanding of the power of our trades and tools, aiming to best serve your intentions and objectives.
We work with you to develop a content strategy based on the concept of a program grid, covering all four seasons of the year.
We transfer skills to your teams, elevating their pre-production efforts for increased creative efficiency and budget optimization.
We accompany you in the creation and editing of your various formats throughout the seasons, ensuring the consistent application of your content strategy.
Throughout the seasons, we collaboratively produce a harmonious set of videos and outstanding shows that captivate your audiences.
We ensure to enhance your understanding of the power of our trades and tools, aiming to best serve your intentions and objectives.
We work with you to develop a content strategy based on the concept of a program grid, covering all four seasons of the year.
We transfer skills to your teams, elevating their pre-production efforts for increased creative efficiency and budget optimization.
We accompany you in the creation and editing of your various formats throughout the seasons, ensuring the consistent application of your content strategy.
Throughout the seasons, we collaboratively produce a harmonious set of videos and outstanding shows that captivate your audiences.

Our values

LeGrow.studio thrives on fundamental principles that guide our daily operations, shaping our strategy and methods. Discover how we integrate these values at the core of our mission and vision.

Progressing day by day, alongside our clients.

Designing their productions with responsibility.

Accomplishing each mission by cultivating excellence.

Envisioning the world we contribute to with boldness.

A cooperative company

In our cooperative structure, each member of LeGrowStudio is a crucial contributor. Collaboration and fairness are at the heart of how we operate.

Discover how our cooperative model shapes our business dynamics, thereby fostering creativity in our commitment-driven audiovisual productions.



Here is a series of concrete actions that reflect our social and environmental commitment in line with the Global Goals defined by the United Nations.

Improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

We have chosen Bambino as our catering partner for our teams and clients, a local company advocating for a fair production chain, focused on sustainability and local sourcing, committed to a zero-waste approach and free from preservatives.

It enables us to offer excellent nutritional quality to those who have their meals on-site as part of their activities related to LeGrow.Studio.

Egalité des genres

Bien que nos cinq fondateurs soient masculins, nous avons veillé à équilibrer cette disparité rapidement : notre équipe est désormais composée de 6 femmes et 7 hommes, tout en continuant à évoluer en ce sens
Nous avons inscrit cette égalité des genres aux premiers rangs des valeurs de notre R.O.I, ainsi qu’un mécanisme de valorisation de celle-ci dans le mode de sélection des candidats au Conseil d’Administration

Travail décent & croissance économique

Notre modèle coopératif, tel qu’exprimé dans le point précédent, implique une priorisation du bien-être des travailleurs par rapport aux retours sur investissement des actionnaires.
Limitant la possibilité de dividendes, les bénéfices de l’entreprise sont voués à être réinvestis dans l’appareil de production commun des travailleurs, ou directement pour l’amélioration des conditions de travail. La tension salariale est modérée. Nos statuts et notre ROI en sont l’affirmation et s’imposent à l’opérationnel.
Notre ambition de croissance et l’engagement de plusieurs collaborateurs par an sur les trois prochaines années générera de la valeur et de l’emploi dans la région.

Industrie, innovation & infrastructure

Nous avons fait le choix de Bambino comme partenaire catering pour nos équipes et nos clients, une entreprise locale prônant une chaîne de production équitable, axée sur la durabilité et le local, engagée dans une démarche zéro déchet et sans conservateurs
Elle nous permet de proposer une excellente qualité nutritionnelle à celles et ceux qui prennent leur repas sur place dans le cadre de leurs activités en lien avec LeGrow.Studio.

Réduire les inégalités

Nous sommes dotés de profils en tout genre, aux origines, aux identités, aux orientations sexuelles et aux parcours variés. Tous ces profils ont autant de rôles à jouer dans notre coopérative qu’ils le choisiront. L’accès au sociétariat, ainsi qu’au groupe de travail et même au CA, est défini par nos statuts selon certaines modalités et permet à chacun de manière équitable d’atteindre les instances décisionnelles de l’entreprise.

Consommation & production responsable

Notre offre de valeur incite nos client·es à investir dans des productions déclinées en plusieurs épisodes, selon une stratégie de grille de saison.
Cela engendre une réduction de certains coûts directs, des économies d’échelles importantes mais aussi la remise en question de certaines jauges d’événements conventionnels. Il est urgent d’envisager de remplacer avantageusement certains événements par des émissions hybrides de haute qualité, accueillant d’une part un public plus modeste et local et d’autre part des téléspectateurs vivant l’émission aussi confortablement que s’ils avaient été présents sur place. Promouvoir moins de déplacements routiers ou aériens s’inscrit parfaitement dans l’expression de nos valeurs.
Nous travaillons aussi à l’adaptation de l’ensemble de notre process de production pour le conformer au label français Ecoprod, proposant à la fois des solutions de workflows et de calcul CO2 qui nous permettront de proposer à nos clients des produits audiovisuels les plus durables possible, en phase avec les valeurs inscrites dans notre ROI.



Explore the innovative governance orchestrated by Yan Pierre le Luyer, embodying a cooperative vision to shape the company’s operations, and discover the key principles guiding this unique approach.

Yan Pierre le Luyer and his cooperative vision

Yan Pierre le Luyer is the originator of the project and embodies its cooperative vision. As the senior member of the team, he aims to develop the company in a cooperative form to ensure its sustainability. In 2021, he became an administrator of SmartCoop, a Belgian company, and values this model for its human approach and resilience.

Founding principles of an accredited cooperative

Yan Pierre imposed certain principles on the founders, including a horizontal management structure, salary moderation, and progressive values. He encourages each individual to take responsibility for a key department of the company and proposed two co-CEOs for the operational implementation of the project.

An inspired and transparent management approach

Drawing inspiration from Silversquare’s management, the team adopts the principle of mutual support and aims to create conditions of autonomy for each collaborator while promoting transparency and collaboration between departments. The company operates without hierarchy, with objectives determined in the management committee to guide various roles towards the accomplishment of their missions. Thematic working groups are also planned for the development of the company.



Immerse yourself in the dynamics of the team at the heart of this cooperative company, where diversity, agility, and inclusivity are fundamental pillars shaping an environment of growth and innovation.

Diversity in service of agility

The current team consists of five founders holding key positions and contributing to the development of an expanding team. With a Business Development Director, a Production Manager, an Executive Assistant, and several interns or technical trainees in each department, diversity in terms of ages, backgrounds, skills, and experiences is a true strength. The varied paths of the members enhance the flexibility and responsiveness of our achievements.

Inclusivity and values-aligned recruitment

One of the strengths of our team lies in its inclusivity. Our recruitments reflect our values by ensuring a gender balance and celebrating both visible and invisible diversities. This diversity, a source of pride, enriches our collective dynamics. Additionally, we benefit from the guidance of high-level consultants in the fields of cooperative life, management, and leadership, as well as in managing our growth.



Explore the decidedly political and societal choice of the cooperative form adopted by LeGrow.Studio, bearing witness to a profound belief in a cooperative and innovative entrepreneurial future.

Commitment to the cooperative form

The decision to choose the cooperative form is not arbitrary but a choice rooted in strong political and societal values. Our founders, seasoned entrepreneurs in the cooperative sector for eight years, deliberately continued this commitment for this ambitious entrepreneurial project. They aspire to demonstrate within traditional industries, notably the broadcast audiovisual industry, that different legal structures and management approaches are possible. LeGrow.Studio aims to spark curiosity, stimulate debate, and inspire disruptive initiatives at the core of these conventional enterprises, hoping to instigate internal change within sectors distant from the cooperative spirit.

Promoting the cooperative spirit

As a worker cooperative in the process of accreditation, each member of our company adheres to fundamental principles, including the “one person, one vote” rule, capping dividends at 6% annually, and valuing collective intelligence. We aspire not only to inspire and stimulate debate within sectors farthest from the cooperative spirit but also to engage researchers in the sociology of work and entrepreneurship, as well as policymakers and relevant institutions.


Social purpose

Explore the fundamental mission of LeGrow.Studio, which aims to disrupt conventional working conditions and propose a thoughtful alternative, thereby offering significant potential for social evolution in a hierarchical and inequitable sector.

Changing industry standards and promoting equity

The decision to choose the cooperative form is not arbitrary but a choice rooted in strong political and societal values. Our founders, seasoned entrepreneurs in the cooperative sector for eight years, deliberately continued this commitment for this ambitious entrepreneurial project. They aspire to demonstrate within traditional industries, notably the broadcast audiovisual industry, that different legal structures and management approaches are possible. LeGrow.Studio aims to spark curiosity, stimulate debate, and inspire disruptive initiatives at the core of these conventional enterprises, hoping to instigate internal change within sectors distant from the cooperative spirit.

A progressive model based on equity

As a worker cooperative in the process of accreditation, each member of our company adheres to fundamental principles, including the “one person, one vote” rule, capping dividends at 6% annually, and valuing collective intelligence. We aspire not only to inspire and stimulate debate within sectors farthest from the cooperative spirit but also to engage researchers in the sociology of work and entrepreneurship, as well as policymakers and relevant institutions.

Notre équipe






Multicamera director


Journalist | Image Reporter


of Business Development




Production Director


Multicamera Director

Yan Pierre

Executive Producer | Director


Audiovisual Technician




Director of Photography


Hybrid Director




Sound Engineer


We produce wherever your projects take us! While our studio offers significant advantages for your budgets, our ability to shoot elsewhere in Belgium, France, or Europe, recorded or live, is part of our service offering, thanks to our mobile resources.
Of course, we welcome a wide range of profiles among our clients and know how to support them by offering solutions tailored to their budget.
Yes, feel free to consult with us. We welcome all projects and strive to offer solutions that are accessible to cultural associations, as much as possible.


Come discuss
entrepreneurship & cooperative!

We will be delighted to discuss with you our innovative approach in the live production and broadcast sector.