Whether present or remote, your audience deserves an elegant visual representation, true to the in-person experience.
Our teams capture the words and performance of your speakers through precise and sustained production, adapted to the pace set by the theme and its expression, with the option to enhance it with several available choices.
LeGrow.Studio is a reassuring partner. Its responsive communication, rigor, and solution-oriented collaboration are assets for our conferences.
Kris - BOZAR - Protocol Institutional & Corporate Events at Bozar
Business case
Since 2018, we have been collaborating with the Grandes Conférences Catholiques and producing each of their editions live from BOZAR.
Men and women of state, opinion leaders, renowned academics, the guests of the Grandes Conférences Catholiques are as eminent as their audience is demanding.
The intention is to share, as faithfully as possible, the emotion elicited by the speaker with the largest number of viewers, in order to broaden the reach of each intervention.
The filming takes place over one day. A production team of 3 people, 5 cameras, a large diverged screen, allowing for close-up projection and/or presentation of the speaker, confidence screens… create the conditions for a sustained, captivating, and acclaimed production.
Our advice
To us, the quality of your customer experience is just as important in our missions alongside you as the productions you entrust to us.
Here are some tips to provide them with the best conditions from your first brief.
Knowing your budget allows us to be more efficient by saving you time as well as our teams.
Introduce us to your audience; the better we know them, the better we can address them with the appropriate tone and practices.
Clearly defining your production intent and its SMART objectives determines the most appropriate method.
From your messages arises the production concept that we propose to you, then the talents and means to gather.
A clear and precise schedule, combined with everyone's adherence to its deliverables, promises a creative and serene production.
Choose the host and each of your speakers very carefully: they are a cornerstone of your success.
Let's make your content an R.O.I. in service of your audience and your video strategy season after season.
Create a promotion with impact for your production, worthy of your stated ambition in terms of audience volume.
Prioritize seasonal strategies over individual formats to display positive KPIs and sustainable trends.
Teams, resources & services
The price indicated above is a ready-to-produce estimate, from which we together build your tailor-made production based on your brief and constraints.
Each of our services is led by a production manager and a director. Depending on the needs of your production, we will gather around them the skills and resources we have – for shooting in Brussels and beyond or on our ready-to-shoot sets – and complement them with the more specific collaborations required.
Any other option on quotation.
The useful hours are those dedicated to the actual shooting, excluding transportation, setup, configuration, testing, and dismantling. Our studios are equipped and configured to be ready to shoot in a short amount of time. Each of our services is coordinated by a production manager.
REC / LIVE: may be post-produced or broadcast live (possible additional costs applicable for live broadcasting). These rates are valid in the Brussels-Capital Region, excluding fees for travel beyond. The full day is 10 hours, the half-day is 4 hours, excluding specific conditions (Sunday, public holidays, night…). Indicative rates, canceling and replacing previous ones, valid as of February 1, 2024. Only the quote after the brief is binding. © LeGrow.Studio – Logo, photographs, illustrations, editorial content – All rights reserved.
Come discuss
ideas & solutions!
We will be delighted to discover your production projects and present you with the range of our services.